Monday, August 26, 2013

2013-08-21 - I realize that I am fat.....

If you turn on the TV all you see is people choosing yogurt over cupcakes, choosing water instead of soda, diet pills that has the miracle weight loss cure and yet we are all still fat. What is up with that? If nothing else, I should get a prize for the most diets tried and failed.... You walk into a doctors office and ask for help losing weight - they want to send you to a dietician.... you know what, I can tell you exactly what you need to do to lose weight - I can work out a plan to get you healthy and back to a NORMAL size - not the "Model" normal - more like "Marilyn Monroe" normal.... 

BUT knowing what to do and actually sticking to it are two different things. I read an article a few years back that told us about this wonderful drug that has you lose 100's of pounds without doing anything..... what you look into it you see that you have to pay to even finish the article.... Really? They want you to hear the secret? People, you already know the secret - get off your butt, take one little step at a time and do what you already know you need to do.... 


It took you years to get here - it might take you years to get back down to where you want to be - or down to where you have never been but I think that we can do this. I found something on Facebook the other day and I made that my LOCKED SCREEN page: 

  • See your goal
  • Understand the obstacles
  • Create a positive mental picture 
  • Clear you mind of self doubt 
  • Embrace the challenge 
  • Stay on track 
  • Show the world you can do it 

I am not saying that I am doing great with this new found motivation. Focus on one thing at a time and just try and get a handle on that. I found an article that outlines 22 steps to better health and losing weight in the process. I decided to pick one items at a time and just focus on that. 

My first item is to get more sleep.... My average at the moment is 4 hours a night and that is not good at all.... It is 3:30am and I am writing my blog...... So what does that tell you? I am trying but it is not always within my control. I am worried about money, about a procedure that my husband is having in the morning, about work - I don't have a project right now so I don't feel very secure....... So many things out of my control. I need to focus on the things within my control and the rest will fall into place. 

We should not rely on our own strength - from experience in the past year I know that the power of prayer is amazing and that when we keep the faith we will succeed.... I am not giving up, I will keep trying until I reach my goal. I am tired of being a failure - I really want to succeed this time.